Top 20 NuGet diagnostics Packages

Artefacts used for diagnostics
Jagged Diagnostics EnterpriseLibrary Artefacts
Diagnostics analyzer: when interpolated string ($"...") is used as an object, will force it to be cast to FormattableString (this will preserve raw data values and is very useful, for example, when unit testing log messages).
Implementation of a Custom Output for Microsoft.Diagnostics.EventFlow to write log events to a Sql Server table
Provides some helper clesses like XML serialization helpers, JSON XML reader, JSON pull-parser, ECMA-style promises, lightweight synchonization routines Signal and SharedLock, Trace helpers on top of System.Diagnostics, ObjectPool etc.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
My package description.
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Correlation library for ASP.NET
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Correlation library for .NET 4.X Framework
Package provides extension for all ApplicationInsights .NET SDK flavors that sets application level properties (name, version and arbitrary custom properties) via environment variables
Apex Diagnostics
Assemblies for Reporting Services 2019.11 (15). The package contains the following assemblies: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.dll, Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.dll, Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll. This package is built with NuGet Package Explorer by installing Micro...
Profiler operations tracker measures operation execution time (extension for the Operations framework)
Retrieve Azure Diagnostics logs from blobs and write them to a CSV file.