Top 20 NuGet dependencyinjection Packages

A fastest dependency injection framework,but it's a little difficult to master.
Use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection in mvc and webapi
Part of the MetaSaver framework that handles dependency injection
Package Description
Package Description
Integration library for Light.Serialization.Json and Light.DependencyInjection.
Ofl.Search.Abstractions and Ofl.Search.Elasticsearch.Abstractions implementation registrations in Autofac.
StructureMap support for of MicroBus
LightInject support for of MicroBus
Autofac implementation for OWIN IoC container adapter
Interceptor and dynamicProxy support for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection via AspectCore Framework. This package support to .Net Core 1.x and .NET Framework 4.5.1
Anetta is a tool for extending Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI capabilities with annotations.
Microsoft Dependency Injection Framework For Framework 4.5.1
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
General-purpose C# assistance library. See GitHub for more. Wingman is split into multiple packages. This main library installs all other Wingman packages.
AutoConfig provides an option to register the whole assembly which internatlly identifiers all the interfaces and their implementors and registers them automatically for you. If there are more than one implementation for a specific interface, it gives an option to mention which type you would like t...