Top 20 NuGet dependency Packages

Core functionality required by ASP.NET MVC bootstrap building blocks.
The di4es module is dependency injection implementation in JavaScript. Dependency injection is a software design pattern that allows the removal of hard-coded dependencies and makes it possible to change them. With support IE5+ browsers and es6
Configuration system for Application (ASP.NET, WPF, UWP, etc). XML or JSON file types are avaliable
Endjin's Composition extensions over Microsoft's DI abstraction
Endjin's Composition extensions over Microsoft's DI implementation
Core Knight Blades for Dependency Injection, used when Coding with Honor!
Dependency Injection utilities for use with DangrLib.
DiConstructorGeneratorExtension for Visual Studio companion library. Containins marker attributes to include\exclude class members to be used with extesnion. The extension itself is available at
Setup defaultimplementations via attributes and support simple and automatic resolution
Defaultimplementation functionality for castle windsor container.
Json configuration provider for .net dependency injection
DependencyInjection pattern implementation (Inversion of Control)
Just another Dependency Injection Framework
Dependency Injection framework
Contracts and common types for integrating dependency injection implementations