Top 20 NuGet delegate Packages

A simple library that uses a wrapper class for executing Delegate functions. This makes developing easier when using Action and Func classes. Instead of using just a Delegate class which may be hard to identify a return type (if any) and/or parameters (if any), and troubles with acting invocation, y...
Vistor class that allows for delegates to be assigned for simple recursive operations
Provides a faster alternative to calling `.Invoke` on `System.Reflection.MethodInfo` by separating the binding and invocation stages.
EnclosedWithThanks provides tiny IDisposable patterns for hasty .NET coders.
Access deeply nested chains of properties/indexers in a null-safe manner with optional delegate to handle (i.e. log) interrupted chains.
Utility for extracting values from lambdas and delegates. Can be used for unit-testing
Analyzer that suppresses the CS0702 error, thus allowing any constraint to be used (including 'Delegate' and 'Enum').
A cross-platform library for working with unmanaged assemblies; written in C#
Provides the ability to more intuitively connect Parent-Child relationships via Callback methods.
Interface for delegates
Provides the attributed hooks for purposes of invoking Code Generation.
Async Command for WPF, UWP,Uno Platform and Xamarin apps.