Top 20 NuGet ddd Packages

Kledex Memory Cache Provider
Guard Clauses orginally created by Steve (Ardalis) Smith. This project adds additional guard clauses used in EXCSLA.Shared.Core. These guard clauses are meant to be used with the EXCSLA.Shared framework.
A Domain Driven shared library, containing basic components for setting up a domain. This package contains interfaces needed to implement various services within this framework.
Package Description
Simple client managed shared access control with timeout using sql server table row and optimistic concurrency
EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD, Projection
Provides DDD objects with the mediatR library.
A Blazor component that utilizes server side validation.
Mapster extension for MiCake
Castle extension for MiCake aop
The core components to build .NET Core projects along with Genocs Library.
The Genocs Library .NET Core to be used with MongoDB as persistence datalayer..
This is experimental playground for event-driven-thinking mindset with carter.
Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.
A small library to separate your filtering logic from Data access layer.
A message bus abstraction for MiCake.
Alternative approach to web api creation. Use CQRS + ES + DDD to create reliable web apps.
Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.
Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.