Top 20 NuGet date Packages

Classe responsável por adicionar novos recursos ao DateTime. - StartOfDay - EndOfDay - FirstDayOfMonth - LastDayOfMonth - FirstDayOfWeek - LastDayOfWeek - EndOfLastDayOfMonth - IsInPeriod - IsOutOfPeriod
This package provides code fix for string properties inside model classes, Datetime fix, float/double decimal point restrictions and dictinory variables
Based on Robert Wilczynski's ported version, this is a .NET Standard version of Chronic, an English language date/time parser.
A WPF control to provide a human-friendly way to select a date range.
Timely (or Timely Extensions) is a small Library that gives you some shortcuts for Dates and TimeSpan. With these you can do stuff like "15.February(1996)" or "16.Minutes() + 20.Seconds()".
C# Class library to convert English date into Nepali and Vice Versa.
This is pretty much the same as CXuesong.Ported.Chronic, but the assemblies are signed.
Datetime Extension
Extremely small library that provides a DateRange implementation
A library containing classes for dealing with ranges of comparable values for common uses across any .NET project.
Easy-to-use utilities for general use.
A fluent library of wonderful extensions and utilities that can make your code short and clean.
This package contains commonly used functions for manipulating date and time.
Time library is a small .net standard lib created to allow using Time without DateTime structure. It could be helpful while you are building clock or timer.
Basic classes and utilities
Get difference of two dates using a static method."
Provides helper functions to convert DateTimes to and from epoch (Unix) time.
Return a DateTime string with suffix e.g. "st", "nd", "rd", "th". E.g. Calling ToStringWithSuffix("dd-MMM-yyyy") could return "16th-Jan-2019".