Top 20 NuGet database Packages

Minimalistic API allows developer to most easily perform operations with database. By default, library automatically manages DbConnection, DbTransaction, DbCommand and DbDataReader objects. Developer only writes queries.
Provides a MySql database wrapper that works with dependency injection
Contais utility classes that can be used to check debug signatures of files. Allows reading Portable Executable (e.g. DLL, EXE) and Program Database (PDB) files. Also ones that are packed into ZIP archive or NuGet package. This package also provides a class that can be used to group readings by the...
LiteMigrator is a tiny SQLite Migration framework for crossplatform projects. Built for Xamarin mobile projects!
Provides a Sql database wrapper that works with dependency injection
With this package you can create .sdf database programility :)
Neo create a local base for your aplicatons in format Json.
1.0.6 Build: You can now create, filter and delete your own nodes. For more information about this project, I invite to send you an email to [email protected] and get API enabling file to work with this library. If you send an email to this email. I will invite you to deploy this database ...
An in memory database on top of EF to facilitate unit testing without database
Unmanaged 64bit Oracle DataAccess Client. It's not needed to install an Oracle client on the machine. Contains Oracle.DataAccess.dll's dependencies.
Simple SQL CRUD Shell for C#
FunnyDB - a simple and lightweight query builder and object mapper for .Net
NET standard bindings for PDFium, including the matching native libraries for Linux, Windows and macOS.
Provides ability to track changes to data models through watching changes to the selected instances. You are able to determine if the entities have changes to properties, new items have been added or when an item has been deleted. The framework allows you to batch processing of changes and perform u...
The "PureDataAccessor" is a data accesing library which only needs a connection and entity modelling structure for all CRUD operation supports on EF and NHibernate. PDA has UOW and Generic Repository patterns. You can manage your data access only with it.
MongoDB utilities to apply optimistic concurrency when updating and deleting entities using a version property.
This is a legacy package; if possible, please use either the "System.Data.SQLite" or "System.Data.SQLite.Core" package instead. The official SQLite database engine combined with a complete ADO.NET provider all rolled into a single mixed-mode assembly for x64.
DbKeeperNet is a handy component simplifying deployment of database schema changes (database migrations) working with various RDBMS systems.
SQLite support extension for DbKeeperNet database migrations