Top 20 NuGet database Packages

This package is forked from project. Just to avoid installing all the packages and entityframework in our domain project. Added the TrackerEnabledDbContext.Domain class library and move the SkipTrackingAttribute and TrackChangesAttribute ...
Package Description
Support layer for ServiceStack.OrmLite
A wrapper around the standard IDb classes.
A set of common Database classes and extensions used to help RAD process
An auxiliary package that allows you to create observable grouped collections from Realm models.
Provides MSSQL database access for Concordia.Framework.
Provides MySQL database access for Concordia.Framework.
Provides PostgreSQL database access for Concordia.Framework.
Provides SQLite database access for Concordia.Framework.
SQLite Helper is an open source .NETStandard library for easy storage and access of data from SQLite databases. It uses SQLitePCLRaw to provide platform independent access to sqlite. !!WARNING!! Library is currently in beta, breaking changes might occur!!
Interface and abstract class for database pattern
AloPro Database design
ef tool for generating database tables and columns description
Postgre provider for Light.Data
Mysql provider for Light.Data
SQL Statement builders for SQL Server and Sqlite
Provides a generic Mendz.Data-aware context for ADO.Net-compatible access to SQL Server databases.