Top 20 NuGet data Packages

Package Description
Data EF Libraries implement the generic repositry db context and db provider using Entity Framework Core
Data Contract Libraries responsoable for data layer in any project
Library for managing and normalizing data sets
Contains common utilities for constructing SQL statements and paged searching by criteria.
Package Description
Package Description
Basic data structures in C# convenient for many applications. Currently contains only trees and ordered trees.
MySql Data Components
A proof of concept of a tool that builds a memory optimized DAWG.
A proof of concept of building a memory optimized DAWG.
Helper library for transacting with the Microsoft Dataverse service (formerly Common Data Service "CDS" or "XRM")
File writer for simple data serialization
Generates lists of people with names, age, sex and isAlive boolean. Design to be used where ever test data is needed. LINQ practice etc.
Package Description
Advanced data structures for .NET
EasyData is a simple abstraction layer for persistence to various data stores. You can write your own plugin for a data store or select from a pre-existing one.
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for .Net. This fork is based on
A collection of C# methods to create random data types e.g. IP Address, Credit Card Numbers etc.