Top 20 NuGet data Packages
Relational data store library backed by Azure mobile data services infrastructure for cross platform development on iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows
Azure mobile data services infrastructure for cross platform development on iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows
Collect Rdd data , Ajax call data .CustomEvent data.
SQLite database provider for Entity Framework Core.
This helper library includes several extension methods for working with Linq and data classes.
This helper library allows client applications and Azure .Net backed mobile services to share the same entity class files
(through file linking). Simply reference SolerSoft.Data.Client in the client project and SolerSoft.Data.AzureNetServer in
the server project, then inherit y...
This helper library makes it easier to create .Net-backed Azure Mobile Services. It includes helper controller base classes
and it allows client applications and services to share the same entity class files (though file linking).
Simply reference SolerSoft.Data.Client in the cl...
ASP.Net vNext Data Library
A library for textually searching arrays and hashes of objects by property (or multiple properties). Designed specifically for autocomplete.
Package Description
Basic classes for working with databases and services
C# implementation of a Trie (prefix tree) that is IEnumerable. You may conduct a prefix tree and not have to run on the trie all the way to it's end - just for the amount of results you need. This is perfect for autocomplete or any other scenario where you may want a fixed amount of results yielded ...
Download Manager to download data via http, multi thread.
Allows for in-memory indexing and basic searching of data objects.
General porpose validation libbrary