Top 20 NuGet data Packages
Conjurer is a clever .NET implementation of the Test Data Builder pattern that helps you set up objects in the arrange part of your tests. Although useful in many situations, Conjurer is particularly good at setting up POCO style entity objects used with Entity Framework, NHibernate and similar pers...
Class Generator for Mere. Generates class for Mere from Sql using mere.js config in executing directory. For easiest use move extract zip to "C:\Mere" or somewhere you can find it. Then click tool in visual studio and select "external tools". Add new tool name it "MereGenerator" or whatever floats y...
Introduces Session and Session Data abstractions sutable for implementation of Data Injection pattern in IoC container independent way. Implementation for Unity can be found in Sessionizer.Unity package.
A light-weight Micro-ORM to take away the pain in data access logic.
Micro ORM for .NET
Insula Data Annotation Attributes
Inside Collections are found different data structures and algorithms, only a few of them are not completed and help will be well received.
FetchAndProcess Framework
What if you want to copy all or some of the properties from one object to another object? What if you want to convert from your Data Layer to your Domain Layer? Using MappingObjectsFramework that task
SQLite adapter for FastDAO
A Generic way to access Data Base, using
It supports MS SQL, Oracle, My SQL, MS Access
Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern interfaces.
FakeModel offers you a Fluent interface for rapid creation of test data, automatically assigning values to properties (public, private and readonly) of an in-built .Net data type. Whilst building your model, you can assign the important values yourself and forget about the rest – or even declare tha...
N-Tier Entity Framework WCF RIA Services base library and T4 code generation templates.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework.
The FSharp.Data.Experimental.XenomorphProvider type provider provides a strongly typed embedding of financial data from Xenomorph.TimeScape
Núcleo do framework para acesso a dados
We moved here:
NOTE: The current package is *UNSUPPORTED* since 2014
Hydrator is a highly configurable test data generator.
The SQL LocalDB Wrapper is a .NET 4.0 assembly providing interop with the SQL LocalDB native API from managed code using .NET APIs.