Top 20 NuGet dapper Packages

Package Description
add async
Functions similar to iBATIS and Dapper, but without XML
Package Description
A GraphQL helper for dapper
Library lets to build sql queries for Dapper in a declarative manner by using criteria classes with attributes applied to thier properties
Simple.Net is a component with simple methods to make coding... Simple!
Basic connection creation and disposal abstracted away so that one can focus on their business logic.
Use this wrapper to call stored procedures with dapper. It will help you standardize your calling process. In addition, it will allow you to establish workflows to perform prevalidations, validations and post operations, transactions, serialized multiple responses among other advantages.
mysql provider with dapper simplely.
Extends Dapper by using additional extension methods to support external SQL script collections.
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
Use this wrapper to call stored procedures with dapper. It will help you to standardize the calling process. In addition, it will allow you to establish workflows to perform prevalidations, validations and post operations, transactions, serialized multiple responses among other advantages. You can i...
Plato.Async deployment package
Dapper helper classes
Package Description
DappeFor4DB, DB , Helpers