Top 20 NuGet dapper Packages

This is an lambda extension of dapper, Chain style makes developers more elegant and intuitive.
Dapper wrapper to save database exceptions
More Details in Github Link : [Mini Dapper's POCO Class Generator](
Package Description
MS Sql extension for Xyapper with T-SQL specific functions such as bulk copy and others.
Dapper Builder for .NET Core
Dapper Builder support for Autofac
Provides Dapper extensions for the SimpleDbContext database transaction manager
Package Description
PagedDapper - A Dapper Extension for Paging (Pagination Queries)
Micro-ORM to make your life easier
Special version of Dapper.Contrib which does not quote identifiers when using PostgreSQL
Visual Studio solution template for Web Api .NET Core 2.2 solutions with Dapper ORM and FluentMigrator.
Basic Panama Core SqlQuery Implmentation with Dapper
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