Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Graphite and StatsD client library for .NET with connection pooling
Cliente REST dotnet core para consulta de CEPs através da api ViaCep.
Provides additional assert capabilities for MS Test.
AspNetCore.Security.CAS Class Library
The base library for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
Kraken is a battle tested library for developing SharePoint applications that's been around since before 2010 and is used in many projects. \ This package includes libraries for .NET development that fall outside the scope of SharePoint itself. Both partial-trust and full-trust libraries ...
Common bits and parts for building web services
Node binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Babel Core (babel-core) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
This library is designed to help generate and send email messages using razor templates.
Provides classes for generating email using ASP.NET MVC Razor views.
Provides support for determining framework versions, IIS version and feature detection.
Provides common data annotation attributes.
Provides static classes for representing program contracts as preconditions in a way that's compatible with System.Diagnostics.Contracts.
A .NET Standard 2.0 library for reading, writing and editing PDF files. This is a modified fork based on several OSS projects. For more information see the license.
A simplistic and robust video game engine for .Net Windows Forms, based entirely on managed code and GDI+ graphics (authored in Visual Basic .Net).
EntityFramework extensions for the Ayaka development kit.
Arragro provider for the Arragro Image Service.