Top 20 NuGet domain Packages

The entity base class. Yes it's just declares the type with Id property of generic type.
The domain layer implementation helpers.
Basic Domain Model for Squirrel Framework
OfficeComponent HTML to PDF ( adds the ability to convert HTML webpages and text to PDF files or images to your .NET applications. The latest HTML5 and CSS3 standards are supported. It also supports SVG, WebFonts, Canvas, Images, Table, page break ...
OfficeComponent PDF for .NET ( adds the ability to create, load, inspect, merge, split, and modify Portable Document Format (PDF) files. It also lets you convert HTML, RTF, and XPS to PDF, HTML to SVG and Image, PDF to Image and extract images and text fro...
OfficeComponent Excel for .NET ( makes it possible to open, create, edit, and add fomulas Microsoft Excel XLS and XLSX files on-the-fly. It supports Excel 97 through 2016 versions. The package downloaded from our website includes a number of example proj...
Contains Dapper specific implementation for infrastructure layer
YoYo.SenparcWX.MP 盛派微信SDK
Canonical Models
Implementation for Domain Entities