Top 20 NuGet dependency Packages

Inversion of Controls Dependencies Injection
DI-related abstractions and helpers specific to D-ASYNC infrastructure.
.Net core Dependency Injection helper
A basic method for registration of classes into dependency injection system.
Bellight MediatR
Abstractions library related to the XServiceBuilderLibrary (a c# service builder class library for a quicker way to add custom service collections)
A c# service builder class library for a quicker way to add custom service collections
A light IoC container implementation to register and resolve dependencies at runtime.
Library to auto register dependencies and to auto bind option classes for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Library to auto register dependencies and to auto bind option classes for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Generic factory with runtime dependency resolution for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
SQL Server database module for GenericSqlProvider.
SQL client for parameterized queries without vendor nuances.
Resolver helps you write loosely coupled code that is easy to change, compose and test. The library is easy to adopt, works with .NET Standard and exposes a concise syntax.
Register classes for Mapping and Projection implemented using a Mapster.
An extremely lightweight and simple dependency injection system.
A .NET Global tool that scans csproj files for duplicate package references
Package Description