Top 20 NuGet date Packages

This dll contains a class named PersianDateTime which persian developers can use instead of System.DateTime structure. This class also contains most of the methods and properties of the conventional DateTime structure such as DateTime.Now and DateTime.TimeOfDay.
.Net Dev Utils
A powerful slider for selecting value ranges, supporting dates and more. Copyright: Guillaume Gautreau 2010 License: dual license GPL v3 and MIT.
A powerful slider for selecting value ranges, supporting dates and more. Copyright: Guillaume Gautreau 2010 License: dual license GPL v3 and MIT.
Human friendly, textual representations of TimeSpan and file size using standard .NET types. It is light-weight, tested and supports PCL.
Windows To Moment.js Timezone Coverter
Véritable couteau suisse du .net, rlcx Power tools contient une énorme quantité d'outils plus utiles les uns que les autres.
Adds dayNames, abbrDayNames, monthNames and abbrMonthNames static properties and isLeapYear, isWeekend, isWeekDay, getDaysInMonth, getDayName, getMonthName, getDayOfYear, getWeekOfYear, setDayOfYear, addYears, addMonths, addDays, addHours, addMinutes, addSeconds methods
A datetime picker that allows for timezone selection as well.
A datetime picker that allows for timezone selection as well.
A datetime picker that allows for timezone selection as well.
Nepali Date Converter helps to convert Nepali date to equivalent English date and vice versa. Here is implementation details.
This directive allows you to add a jQueryUI DatePicker to your form elements
A simple package to deal with datetime ranges operations.
Miscellaneous utilities for working with dates and times.
DAte REcurrence CAlculation LIbrary. Produces sequences of dates using a specified recurrence strategy. Sequence controllers determine if and how a date sequence terminates.
A class which defines a date which can have null for components (day, month, year) of the date.
Frustrated at the lack of a "Date" type in the .NET framework? Don't need all the awesome power of NodaTime? LaazyDate provides a full featured Date type for .NET with natural interaction, conversion and comparison to DateTime.
Classe responsável por adicionar novos recursos ao DateTime. - StartOfDay - EndOfDay - FirstDayOfMonth - LastDayOfMonth - FirstDayOfWeek - LastDayOfWeek - EndOfLastDayOfMonth - IsInPeriod - IsOutOfPeriod