Top 20 NuGet database Packages

FileDb is a free to use simple NoSQL database Portable Class Library for .NET - Stores one table per file, including its index - Extremely small size DLL - Supports field types Int, UInt, Bool, String, Byte, Float, Double and DateTime and also arrays of the same types - Index supports a single Prim...
Biblioteca JavaScript simples para armazenamento de dados locais.
Open-source Excel add-in in C#/.NET4.0 that makes matrix, vector and most importantly, table-valued functions of Finaquant Calcs available for Excel users and programmers. Based on ExcelDNA and NetOffice
vJine.Core is a lightweight ORM Framework which make you a quick start and easy use.
PersistanceMap is a small, extremely lightweight and intuitive ORM Framework for .NET. It uses a Fluent API to define Queries that translate to SQL. The Queries are executed against a RDBMS using ADO.NET. The resulting data is automaticaly mapped into Dataobjects/POCO's. The synthax is simple ...
A wrapper for System.Data.Common and DbConnection that provides a simplified convenient API
德塔互联网工作室第二代核心类库,封装了桌面、Web、数据库访问、网络通信、缓存、日志等一些快捷方法和常用工具类。 特别针对数据库操作进行了抽象封装,屏蔽对调用者不同数据库的变化,使用抽象SQL语句可以一次编写多数据库执行。
A class library for querying and manipulating Microsoft SQL databases.
A class library for querying and manipulating Oracle databases.
Converter Helpers for dynamic, ExpandoObject, IEnumerable, IDictionary, DataTable and etc.
The WebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the database per request in the Asp.Net web applications.
Sequelocity.NET is a simple data access library for the Microsoft .NET Framework providing lightweight ADO.NET wrapper, object mapper, and helper functions.
Content-addressable storage for .NET
Micro document database with a focus on visibility & simplicity. The same 35kb dll is used for: - Saving data to text file(s) locally - Optionally hosting and connecting to a HTTP Embark server - Optional runtime-only persistence for unit testing/mocks - Doesn't force any ID or [Attribute] conven...
DBreezeBased Features: DBreezeBased enables Google-like search in your application. Works on Servers/Desktops/Mobile Platforms Xamarin/MONO/.NET Standalone and In-Transactional modes (separate or existing DBreeze instances and shared transactions) Can search words and words parts among documents/o...
DALs.Core gives a lightweight, flexible and mockable interface for database sproc access, resutful calls and more.