Top 20 NuGet database Packages

FluentDAO is a Micro ORM that makes it simple to select, insert, update and delete data in a database. visit for more info.
Allows you to create your SQL queries in an object oriented approach.
Repository ORM based on Dapper
Database version manager. Library maintains database version table. Change scripts with version numbers are placed in defined version subfolders
A simple xml helper to convert from xml to dynamic expandoObject
Sail Framework
.NET bindings for the Redis C client Hiredis.
EgoDB Identity
NOTE: As of the 1.0 release, package IDs for SQLitePCL.raw now begin with SQLitePCLRaw.*. Some use cases will involve minor breaking changes in the transition. See README on GitHub for more info. SQLitePCL.raw is a Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite. This package d...
Inspired by and based on the micro-ORMs PetaPoco and NPoco. The goal of this library is to give a simple, extension based API on top of ADO.Net. Specifically, making the hydration of multiple result sets simple and straight forward, particularly when doing so asynchronously.
Add a Drop-Db command to the visual studio package manager
Enables Bonjour/DNS-SD Discovery for Peer-to-Peer Couchbase Lite applications.
This package contains an example of using HybridDataAccess.
Provides helper functions for setting up and tearing down SQL Server database fakes for use in integration testing.
Elastic Database jobs (preview) enables reliable execution of Transact-SQL (T-SQL) scripts across a group of databases. Using this feature, you can easily perform administrative operations such as schema changes, credentials management, reference data updates, performance data collection or tenant (...
Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.
Libreria de conexión a SQL Server para ASP.NET MVC
Helpers for execute ADO Queries
Core database library used for assisting with integrations tests that connect to databases.
Core database library used for assisting with integrations tests that connect to databases.