Top 20 NuGet data Packages
N-Tier Entity Framework client base library.
A jQuery plugin to generate dynamic HTML contents from an array of JavaScript objects. Live Demo:
Extended Validation extends MVC validation to support server side and client side validations of Greater Than, Less Than, Not Equal To, etc. for various data types including DateTime, string, int, long.
Ex: In your model define -
[Display(Name="Start Date")]
public DateTime Startdate { get; set; ...
The general EnergyTrading .NET common library
A simple implementation of the repository design pattern.
NAudio extension library for SoundFingerprinting framework. This extension provides the ability to read all files supported by NAudio media foundation framework. Since NAudio depends on Windows native calls, this extension can execute only in Windows environment.
Portable cross-platform ADO-style SQLite library enabling table-record-level and table-column-level encryption. *Please see the project site for details about what this library does, and how to use it.*
Charting Controls for Windows 8.1, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
This package provides data support for generic key/value lookups with CodeTorch
Utilize DataAnnotations on your ASP.Net Web API models and return your own complex validation models, flattened models or default model state models.
Part of the ROOT.NET library that allows you to access the C++ ROOT data anlaysis pacakge ( from .NET languages. Contains libGpadWrapper.dll libGrafWrapper.dll libGraf3dWrapper.dll, and is only built for this version of root!
Part of the ROOT.NET library that allows you to access the C++ ROOT data anlaysis pacakge ( from .NET languages. Contains libGrafWrapper.dll libNetWrapper.dll libTreeWrapper.dll libTreePlayerWrapper.dll, and is only built for this version of root!
Part of the ROOT.NET library that allows you to access the C++ ROOT data anlaysis pacakge ( from .NET languages. Contains libProofWrapper.dll libProofDrawWrapper.dll libProofPlayerWrapper.dll, and is only built for this version of root!
Part of the ROOT.NET library that allows you to access the C++ ROOT data anlaysis pacakge ( from .NET languages. Contains libHistWrapper.dll libMathCoreWrapper.dll libPhysicsWrapper.dll libRIOWrapper.dll libThreadWrapper.dll, and is only built for this version of root!
Common functionality for use with SimpleData over Oracle
Readers and writers for CSV and fixed-length file formats. Supports both synchronous and asynchronous operation, data annotations, and wicked fast object serialization.
This plugin provides facilities for importing and managing text-based files in general, and text-based data files such as xml/xsd and csv in particular.
Реализация стандартного CRUD на базы EF Code first.
Хелпер для авторегистрации репозиториев библиотеки Rikrop.Core.Data.
Library providing access to Unicode data to .NET clients.