Top 20 NuGet data Packages
Task scheduling for .NET core.
King.Azure.Data Class Library
This package provides database support for SQL Server with CodeTorch
This package is part of the Semiodesk Trinity API. It allows for the creation of C# representation of ontologies as well as the mapping of RDF classes to C# classes.
This library exposes API for work with SP List using SSOM
Json.NET converters for tracker classes of TrackableData.
Object-relational mapper between TrackableData and Microsoft SQL Server.
A .NET library for consuming the Dutch post code database. Uses RestSharp and Newtonsoft.Json.
More information can be found on Access tokens can also be requested here. To contribute to the specification of this API, join the guys over at their repo: https...
Core Data library for Entity Framework
XrmToolbox plugin to help you transfer entity records between different environments.
AutoMapper extensions to help map LinkIt Linked Sources to DTOs by convention.
Supercharge your web applications.
Algorithms to work with static data
Core library for database access. Requires .NET Framework 4.8.
NOTE: It's enough to add this package to only Portable Layer.
Added namingRule to objects.
v.1.3.0 UPDATED!!
Fully upggraded to .Net Standard 2.0
Object Collection Saving & Loading problem solved.
Clear() problem solved. It works fine now.
.NET library extending stream data reading and writing functionality.
GenFu is a library you can use to generate realistic test data.
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for Wpf (forked from master branch to add Support to netcoreapp3.1)