Top 20 NuGet data Packages
HtmlArk embeds images, fonts, CSS and JavaScript into an HTML file.
Library for using AutoMapper with GodelTech.Data.
MADE.NET Data Converters provide out-of-the-box value converters for taking values of one type and changing them to another.
The advantage of the IValueConverter is that they can be chained together. The library also contains extension helpers for converting values directly.
CDS search helpers.
Base data service that uses the Beslogic.Framework.Core.Data.IUpsertableRepository repository interface.
Base data service that uses the Beslogic.Framework.Core.Data.IRepository repository interface.
Interface for a repository that implements FindByAdAsync, AddAsync, UpdateAsync, UpsertAsync, DeleteAsync functions.
A GraphQL library for .NET Core. All Honor goes to Luke Murray i just updated some dependencies
DummyData.Initializer (datamock) is tool for generating data to your api services.
Rebus extensions for configurate message bus via appsettings.json
Serilog extensions for configurate logging via appsettings.json
MAD.NET.Data contains the abstractions and contracts to
make an access to a data storage engine as simple as possible.
A collection of useful data and execution extensions for Bridge.NET
An API for the Data Access Layer using Dapper
A package for displaying data in a configurables and formatted manner in the console. It includes options for working with:
- Tables
The .NET Data Provider for Teradata is an implementation of the Microsoft ADO.NET Data Provider specification. It provides direct access to the Teradata Database and integrates with the System.Data.DataSet class.
The fastest, most accurate tools. Deployed by millions.
Request.Browser properties will be populated with data from 51Degrees Lite Device Data. Other features
include automatic image optimisation, monitoring of network conditions and client side feature detection.
docx4j is an open source (ASLv2) Java library for docx/pptx/xlsx, similar in concept to Open XML SDK, but with its own particular strengths including content control databinding (with OpenDoPE enhancements),
XHTML import/export, PDF output, and MERGEFIELD processing. This is the .NET version o...
XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization library that supports creating charts using Google Charts and Plotly. The library provides a composable domain specific language for building charts and specifying their properties.