Top 20 NuGet dal Packages

N-Tier Entity Framework Silverlight T4 code generation templates.
Business Logic Toolkit Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Unofficial FluentNhibernate with dependency on NHibernate 3.3.3 instead of 3.3.1. Fluent, XML-less, compile safe, automated, convention-based mappings for NHibernate.
基于 Dapper、Dapper-Extensions 构建的微型 ORM 类库,提供一个包含增、删、改、查等常用方法的数据访问层基类,支持用 Lambda 表达式书写查询和更新条件
Implementação da interface Codout.Framework.DAL para EntityFrameworkCore
NHibernate 2nd level cache provider that uses System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache. Supports SqlChangeMonitor and HostFileChangeMonitor. Does not depend on System.Web.dll
This is a plugin for EasyData to use an in-memory backend, for test purposes only. EasyData simplifies persistenance of data to a simple repository. Using a plugin architecture, EasyData is completely database engine-agnostic. Works well with both NoSql and traditional database structures.
Generic ADO.NET helper library to connect to a relational database system using a given providers ADO.NET driver. Driver can be in Global Assembly Cache or referenced as a nuget package.
Ermöglicht die Historisierung der Daten auf Zeilenbasis
NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
A .NET micro ORM created from scratch
Library of concrete components to implement data access with Dapper.
Simple abstraction library to implement data access.
Provides interfaces for implementing a base DAL entity, base DAL mapper, base CRUD repository and base unit of work class
Classes for working with data access layer
Classes for NpgSQL driver