Top 20 NuGet custom Packages

Implements a Window theming control for Dirkster.MLib but can also be used with other theming libraries since there are no technical dependencies to MLib.
MLib is a set of WPF theming libraries based on MahApps.Metro and MUI
Biblioteca responsável por criar atributos customizados para utilização em conjunto com crud
A custom entities mapper that can give you a great control of your mapping scenarios
A console wrapper that can run your custom programs in console and allows you to respond to user commands from console application through events. The application also supports console sounds (beeps), customizing colors, keeping history and other interesting stuff.
The specification Pattern is a great way to validate complex business rules in Domain. p.s.: .Net Core version from Eduardo Pires DomainValidation package.
WPF window placement by resolution
Package Description
Monovi.CustomHttpResponseTool allows you to custom your http responses.
Custom Attribute
Use for Authorization
This library is created to provide easy creation of console applications with menus, input parse and colored output
Generic email service for sendig from clients
This package helps to validate the data such as string in datetime etc.
Configuration provider for IConfigurationBuilder that adds the config from the old web.config/app.config legacy configurations.
This is a small .Net Standard library/helper to provide greatly simplified convenience methods for dynamically finding, filtering, and initializing classes based on Custom Attributes.