Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Contains the functionality used to provide animation to specific property types on objects.
The Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API provides a .NET Framework interface to EWS in Exchange Online, Exchange Online as part of Office 365, and versions of Exchange starting with Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1). You can use this version of the EWS Managed API to evaluate the l...
A .NET source generator for creating simple value objects without too much boilerplate for Equals, GetHashCode and operators overloads/implementations.
Microsoft Orleans hosting support for Kubernetes
This is an input binding for Azure Functions allowing you to validate JWT tokens for Azure Functions with a HTTP trigger.
A C# .net library used to connect to a userdatabase plugin on UniversalServer and keep the user data (username, password, and email) in one place to access.
A library to deserialise 'MessagePack-CSharp' binary data in the browser into C# types when using the h5 C#-to-JS transpiler
Allows to design and serve web applications to clients.
Lightweight web server written in pure C# with few dependencies to 3rd-party libraries.
dotnet core client for IBM MQ with built-in resiliency and the ability to connect securely
Package Description
Microsoft Orleans Reminder Service for Aerospike
C# code editor (using RoslynPad) and simplified C# compilation and execution
Package Description
QAToolKit Swagger library, that parses Swagger files and produces a common list of HTTP requests.
QAToolKit Bombardier library for running load tests.
Text templating is used to dynamically render contents based on a template and a model. * It is based on the Scriban library, so it supports conditional logics, loops and much more. * Template content can be localized. * You can define layout templates to be used as the layout while rendering other...