Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

Clean Architecture Template for Web Api and .NET 6.
The tool allows to parse excel file and retrieve or write some data to excel table.
Matech Sample Template for Web Api and .NET6.
.NET Core Global Tool that creates a folder and copies dotfiles into it therefore seeding a folder.
IospAnalyzer is an Roslyn analyzer to enforce the integration operation segregation principle while coding
Prints System.Type object as a valid C# literal, e.g. typeof(A<X>.B<Y>.C) as a "A<X>.B<Y>.C"
Tag extra data to any object during it's lifetime and easily check for it.
A high-performance brainf*ck interpreter and debugger
Simple, clean, and object-oriented way to create and execute business rules in .NET
FolderBrowserEx is a library to use the Windows Vista/7 Folder Browser in your .NET Framework and .NET Core Applications.
Free TON Client for Blazor
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Autogenerates actions to a controller from a class . ( replace below single quotes with double quotes) [AutoActions(template = TemplateIndicator.AllPost,FieldsName =new[] { '*' }, ExcludeFields =new[]{'_logger'})] [ApiController] [Route('[controller]/[action]')] public partial class W...
DotNetEasyRandom for .Net is an assembly/ library to generate random numbers with the internal Random library from .Net more easily.
C# 9 Source Generator library for NSwag.
>Three extension methods to validate a string value
Reloj Windows es una aplicación que muestra la fecha y hora y se puede usar casi como un salvapantalla. Permite acoplarlo a la parte superior derecha o izquierda. (para .NET 5.0 revisión del 13-dic-2010) v1.0.0.12 (13-dic-20) Ahora se recuerda y usa si estaba mostrado a tamaño pequeño.
The Clean Architecture Solution Template popularized by Steve @ardalis Smith. Provides a great starting point for modern and/or DDD solutions built with .NET 8 and C# 12. Features zero tight coupling to database or data access technology.