Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

.Net HotReloading
Dap Prelude on Unity3d
Dap Platform on Unity3d
Dap Lib on Unity3d
rbfx game engine package for C#
fs4charp is functional style for C# and provides a library of types and functions to enable a more functional C# code design.
Utility to validate syntax of C# source.
Oxbind is an XML deserializer using APIs of .NET Standard 1.3.
Utilities for Dataflow analysis based on ControlFlowGraph API in Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.
C# Minification Tool
C# Minification Library
Shortcut to throw exceptions to make defensive programming fun and more effective. Non intrusive.
A .NET Standard library which styles the text using Unicode characters
Wiz DotNet Core Gateway Template
Wiz DotNet Core API Template
Utils for any strings
A CLI utility to quickly launch .NET Core-based AWS Lambda functions
webapi template with RabbitMQ. Dockerfile, docker-compose, xUnit are included. After creating webapi-rabbitmq application, run "dotnet restore" in project folder, to get back nuget packages