Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

WordPressReaderStd aims to simplify development of WordPress reader apps. It is written and compiled with .netStandard 2.1 as of version 2.1.x for compatibility reasons.
The package helps in working with AWS S3Bucket storage accounts for storing files irrespective of the file type. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process of upload and download files from AWS S3Bucket Stoarage for .Net(Classic) and .net core applications.
Detects MIME type based on file content or file extension
Precompiled IronPython.StdLib.
Extract strings from files
This package contains Client library that helps in Microsoft Azure Blob Stoage operations and File Share Utility.
The package helps in working with microsoft azure storage accounts for storing files irrespective of the file type. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process of upload and download files from Microsoft Azure Blob Stoarage for .Net(Classic) and .net core applica...
This package contains Client library that helps in Microsoft Azure Blob Stoage operations and File Share Utility.
Provides a re-factoring and re-imagining of the Diagnostic elements deployed in the Analyzer and Code Fixes project template. This particular assembly focuses primarily on the Diagnostic Analyzers with built-in Roslyn compilation support.
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for C#, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll. Keyword aliases added, see More details at This package was built from the source at
A C# wrapper for the chorus library.
ExtraLinq is a set of extension methods for IEnumerable<T>. Additionally ExtraLinq contains extension methods for Array and List<T> which are faster and allocate less than LINQ extensions from System.Linq.
Library for extracting QR images for BBAN, IBAN, Bankgirot and PlusGirot payments.
Useful Types : RandomProvider, BinaryTree, Sequence, various Enumerable extensions, CharSet, TypeCategorisor, EnumerableRandomExtension
Library (SDK) provides capabilities to retrieve and query Metrics, Events data from Azure Application Insights.
RestSharp.RequestBuilder is a wrapper class that uses Fluent Syntax to create IRestRequest objects.
code generator.
Provides a handful of helpful extension methods for use during verification of Microsoft Roslyn Code Analysis, Code Generation, and so on. The package is intentionally left bereft of specific unit test framework dependencies.
A wrapper around iTextSharp so that PDFs can be created using a fluent API