Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

Package Description
ZXing.Net Win 2D barcode library for Windows (UWP)
ZXing.Net Win QR code library for Windows (UWP)
ZXing.Net Win 1D barcode library for Windows (UWP)
ZXing.Net Win core library for Windows (UWP)
ZXing.Net Win Aztec library for Windows (UWP)
XmlDataImport kjører test data inn i en SQL Server eller Oracle databaser for datadreven automatiske tester. Verktøyet kan brukes enten fra kommandolinje eller inn i en automatiserte test
MvcCore - C# MVC Extensible Framework based on MvcCore PHP library.
Qlik Engineapi (qlik-engineapi) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Unit test framework for Bridge.NET projects. Write tests in C#, run them in JavaScript.
Aspect framework for Bridge.NET projects. Provides powerful means for structuring and automating program logic.
An api wrapper for
Connection library for the .NET Standard 2.0 framework. Allows for implementation of custom commands and tools across a client-server or peer-to-peer connection.
Library used to transmit images (byte arrays) across a ConnectLibSTD connection in the .NET Standard 2.0 framework.
Svg.js binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Vue binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Protobuf Serializer for Xeeny, A framework for building and consuming services on devices and servers that support .net standard. It is Cross Platform, Duplex, Multiple Transports, Asynchronous, Typed Proxies, Configurable, and Extendable
Json Serializer for Xeeny. A framework for building and consuming services on devices and servers that support .net standard. It is Cross Platform, Duplex, Multiple Transports, Asynchronous, Typed Proxies, Configurable, and Extendable
Mobx React (mobx-react) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.