Top 20 NuGet cryptography Packages

IoC friendly C# .netstandard2.0 service interface for asymmetric cryptographic operations.
Make Bitcoin easy to use with Csharp again! Now you can detect new transaction in time less than one second.
This is a port of the Dot Net Core version of CryptographyHelper from my Dot Net Framework project DataJuggler.Core.UltimateHelper. The code is available here: This project adds many Nuget dependencies to use Konscious.Security.Cryptogr...
An Ed25519 implementation to sign data and check its validity.
A library to manage encryption and decryption of strings based on AES symmetric algorithm.
HashLib4CSharp is a C# library that provides an easy to use interface for computing hashes and checksums of strings (with a specified encoding), files, streams, byte arrays and untyped data.
SharpHash is a C# hashing library which provides an easy to use interface for computing hashes and checksums of data. It also supports state based (incremental) hashing.
SharpHash is a C# hashing library which provides an easy to use interface for computing hashes and checksums of data. It also supports state based (incremental) hashing.
Netstandard 2.1 wrapper for LibVRF ( library. Use LibVRF.Native package to get platform specific binaries for common platforms.
Netstandard 2.1 wrapper for MCL ( library. Provides interface to work with BLS12-381 elliptic curve and corresponding pairing. Use MCL.BLS12_381.Native package to get platform specific binaries for common platforms.
ASP.Net, hashing with salt & verification (encrypt & decrypt style). Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2
The Scrypt (Silverlight Cryptography) library adds RSA Encryption, Decryption, Signing and Verification for Silverlight and Windows Phone 7. Key generation is performed asynchrounously so as not to block your UI. This library has been used successfully in Windows Phone 7 apps offered through AppHub....
.Net library to simplify cryptography in so developers will actually use it
Class, which allows you to encrypt and decrypt data using Rijndael cryptography algorithm
.NET Framework Extended
A library that abstracts cryptography algorithms behind an easy interface
Unofficial package of Reid Borsuk and Jenny Zheng md5 raw implementation.
Curve25519 is an elliptic curve, developed by Dan Bernstein, for fast Diffie-Hellman key agreement.
"Cryptography classes
.NET useful helpers.Reflection, Web, Xml schemas, clone, compression, regexp, and more.