Top 20 NuGet cosmos Packages

This package contains binding extensions for Cosmonaut's CosmosStore for Azure Cosmos DB.
A supercharged .NET SDK for Azure CosmosDB with ORM support
Http extensions for Cosmos base library
A StackExchange Dapper package for Cosmos.Data
This package adds support to Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB for Hangfire
A .NET library for use with Dropil Chain and other Cosmos SDK based blockchains.
Use Azure Cosmos DB (DocumentDB) as an event store, read store and data store in CQRS.NET
Provides strong types and repository access for mongo DB and Azure Cosmos DB, which is both weak typed. You can have all the sources with examples from here:
The NLog sink for Cosmos.Logging.
The Log4Net sink for Cosmos.Logging.
The Exceptionless sink for Cosmos.Logging.
The Autofac extension library for integrating NancyFX with Cosmos.Logging.
The base library for integrating console for Cosmos.Logging.
The base library for integrating Microsoft ASP.NET Core MVC for Cosmos.Logging.
Cosmos.Logging extension for ORM SqlSugar 4.x.
Cosmos.Logging extension for ORM Microsoft EntityFrameworkCore.
F# client for Cosmos DB
Azure Cosmos db Auto Scale.