Top 20 NuGet core Packages

MySQL database provider for OpenCQRS domain store.
A library that contains instructions to cover the main CRUD operations with filtering, grouping, sorting, pagination. The library helps to quickly build ASP.NET WebAPI applications based on Entity Framework.
Sockets communication made easy! The best X.690 protocol implementation out there :)
.NET Standard extensions providing the safest and the most effective SQL database interaction. This module is dependent on Microsoft SQL database client.
Deployment tools compatible with .NET Standard / Core
Adaptation of parts of Microsoft.Extensions for the obsolete .NET framework 2.0. The original namespaces and API are preserved as much as possible. Main adaptations: - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (ServiceCollection) - Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (ini, json and memory) - Microsof...
A small utility library for issuing and validating JWT Bearer. Can be used for both ASP.NET Core and .NET Framework Web project as well as Desktop App (no built-in flow).
Provides a simple generic implementation of the Repository Pattern for Entity Framework Core.
StructureMap adapter for CommandLineInjector
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI adapter for CommandLineInjector
Lamar adapter for CommandLineInjector
Autofac adapter for CommandLineInjector
Parameter binding + Dependency Injection for .NET Core console apps.
Provides a simple generic implementation of the Repository Pattern for Entity Framework Core.
FluentAssertions extensions for ITLibrium.Bdd
Package Description
Service Bus provider for OpenCQRS message bus.
Bootstrap tag helper and extention methods to handle bootstrap 3 breadcrumbs. More information you can find at
A Unity IoC implementation of the IMiddlewareResolver for PipelineNet.