Top 20 NuGet core Packages

A smart set of common classes, extension methods and implementations to improve your development productivity using .NET Core
.Net Embedded Analytics and Report Generator that allows programmers to easily add Report building functionality to their ASP .NET Web Application
An Azure specific implementation of Blob object storage.
Configure HealthCheck Collectors for ASP.NET Core. Used to easily define custom collectors and acts as a base for specific collector implementations.
This is a project template for .Net Core 3.1 API, pre-configured and ready to use with, 1. Autofac 5.2.0 registrations setup. 2. Ready Swagger 5.5.1 endpoint. 3. pre-Configured Serilog 2.9.0 console sinks. 4. pre-Configured AutoMapper 10.0.0. 5. pre-Installed Newtonsoft.Jso...
Kumuluzee.Config is used for configuring .NET Core service.
Telegram provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Assembly that provides assistance in testing Dapper methods, allows for Verify and Setup with sql and parameters. This version is based on original project for NetFramework:
轻松将你的 .NET 应用 与 UCenter(PHP)、DiscuzX 整合。
Kumuluzee.Health is used for checking health state of .NET Core service.
Wiz DotNet SDK Template
Source Editing Component
This C# .NET client makes it easier to consume the ElectricityMap Rest API for getting data about electricity consumption in various countries.
This library contains the interfaces and implementations for the generic repository pattern.