Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Tool with Common Data used in multiple .NET applications like Countries, Cities, Currencies, ExchangeRates...
An extension for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection allowing classes to be decorated with [Service] for quick and easy dependency registration.
Xml for AspNetCore,Xml Serializer, Xml Deserialize
Bionic Monitor Service - Live reload service for Blazor/Bionic projects
A .NET Standard library for using the Rates Exchange API.
An opinionated application architecture framework for ASP.NET Core applications which enforces maximized code reuse, separation of concerns, dependency inversion and minimized redundancy.
Extends Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to add support for Serilog Console and File. This library uses up to date Serilog packages and provides a official release for console and file logging sinks
Package makes integrating JWT Bearer Token Security to your ASP .NET Core app a breeze!! Azure Active Directory, Google, Facebook, Twitter auth integration. Also, Swagger UI integration!
Version for Entity Framework Core (>= 1.0, < 2.0). Allows the creating of composable queries and thus the reusability of Linq2Entity query snippets.
This package contains HttpClientBuilder extensions for configuring Trybot policies around HttpClient calls in ASP.NET Core projects.
RestCall is to integrate with api calls easily
HTML5 WebUSB APIs support for Microsoft ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Aurochses.Data.Autofac.EntityFrameworkCore is a library for using Autofac in modules with Entity Framework Core.
HTML5 Notifications API for ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - Autofac job factory and module
PureActive Network Core
Extension library for implementing Quartz scheduling services.
Library of useful reusable functions and procedures.
Library for setting app configurations.