Top 20 NuGet convert Packages

Common Web Infrastructure extension helpers. See README on github.
A class for converting managed base types to byte arrays and vice versa
A .NET library to convert Html to JavaScript.
The SafeConvert is a .NET library used to convert data between data types safely.
Convert coordinates between different Swedish coordinate systems, RT90, SWEREF99, WGS84, Web/Spherical Mercator
A lightweight library to load application configuration settings into a dictionary.
Small but useful .NET helper classes
A .NET library to easily and customizably convert a list of data to a DataTable
VB.NET source file that contains an extension method that replaces accented characters within a string through non-accented ones, which is useful to create logon names, email addresses etc. German upper-case umlauts like "Ä" are converted either to "Ae" or "AE" depending the context, "ß" analogousl...
Download and/or convert youtube videos with style
NJection.LambdaConverter is a .NET library for converting delegates resolved from methods/constructors to expression trees.
ConvertCaseNEt is a simple converter style writing variabels in .NET converting CamelCase To Snake.
Currently it supports below query mappings: primitive: field => c.field parent/child => c.parent.child Namespace.EnumType'enumVal' => 'enumVal' queries: $select => SELECT $filter => WH...
DEPRECATED! Use UnitsNet 4.0.0 or later instead, which is now signed. This package will be unlisted sometime later. Get all the common units of measurement and the conversions between them. It is light-weight and thoroughly tested.
Small conversion and casting library
Extension functions for dot net apps
[Preview] Hi, I'm here to extend EPPlus with a html export ;)