Top 20 NuGet convention Packages

A version convention which sets nhibernate versioning for long/ulong properties named "Version"
Strong Typed, convention based router for Webapi/Mvc
An IStoreModelConvention which removes the underscore from default foreign key names
An id convention which sets generated by assigned if the property type is Guid
Arbor.Build - convention-based builds
Library for configuring the Unity IoC container using conventions with a fluent syntax
A convention-enforcement tool for performing static code analysis from within your unit test suite.
The "Cocktail Async Pack for Visual Studio 2012" enables Cocktail/DevForce 2010 projects targeting .NET Framework 4.0 or Silverlight 5 to use the Async language feature in C# 5 and Visual Basic 11. This pack requires Visual Studio 2012 and will not work with Visual Studio 2010.
The "Cocktail Async Pack for Visual Studio 2012" enables Cocktail/DevForce 2010 projects targeting .NET Framework 4.0 or Silverlight 5 to use the Async language feature in C# 5 and Visual Basic 11. This pack requires Visual Studio 2012 and will not work with Visual Studio 2010.
Cocktail is an application development platform that takes the pain out of the development of data-driven rich XAML applications.
Cocktail is an application development platform that takes the pain out of the development of data-driven rich XAML applications.
A startup sample for Caliburn.Micro using Windsor
Convention based template bootstrapper for Knockout
Convention based template store for Knockout
Convention based template store for Knockout
Convention based template store for Knockout
[Obsolete] now included in Baseclass.Contrib.Nuget.Output
Toolkit for configuring Entity Framework to work with PostgreSQL database using Npgsql.
A convention that will resolve a type when it is the only implementation for a requested interface or abstract type that has not been explicitly registered.
Manually registering types in an IoC container can be a tedious task. This extension to Autofac aims to help automatically registering types with common, built-in and extensible conventions.