Top 20 NuGet control Packages

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Server Control representing the Web UI in order to develop SSIS package.
Dead Simple dependency mechanism provider to achieve loose coupling and easy mocking.
WinPhoneControls is a collection of custom build controls for Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime applications to aid developers.
You need to implement the technique of invesion of control in a streamlined and efficient? IoCSharp is what you are looking for!
Dependency Injection Container
A library that provides validation capabilities for WinForms controls. Fluent, customizable and easily expandable
SlideshowView (Carousel) control for Universal Apps. Creates a thumbnail/Dots view, Auto play slider. Works on Windows & Windows Phone 8.1
A WPF control that dynamically renders its content from a XAML string.
An inversion of control class for attaching constructor methods to interface types
Toolkit for Windows phone 8.1 --------------------------------- - Flipview with incremental loading, - Collection for lazy loading, - Flipview indocatior, - Slideshow integration in flipview, - HTML Textblock (HTML VIEWER), - Rating control from Windows phone toolkit, - WrapPanel from Windows ph...
This a Rating control tht works out of the box, you just need to set the porperties and intialise the constructor where you see it fits.
Attached behaviour to focus the first control on a window load
An alternative to the C# TabControl.
Simple WPF control for arranging the layout using its full space
simple combobox control with ability to filter items by text input using displaymemeberpath property or just item itself if items are strings
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
A nuget package of deepdotnet's WPF Autocomplete TextBox control from CodePlex
Lightweight IoC container