Top 20 NuGet config Packages

It provides reading your configurations from a SQL server.
Package Description
INIDatei ist ein Namespace, um schnell und präzise .ini-Konfigurationsdateien zu erstellen und einzulesen.
Provides functionality for serializing and deserializing .omcl configuration files into C# objects
This .NET Standard library is a simple CFG/INI file parser. Main feature of this package is the possibility to parse INI file content directly into model classes, that are tagged by special attributes. Another feature of this package is the usage of different INI file formats, e.g. INI files in UNIX...
Contains an implementation of sink for System ConfigurationManager for the Invisionware Settings Library
Contains an implementation of Sink Read/Write for AzureConfigurationManager for the Invisionware Settings Library
Contains icon, read/write a config file, logger. Some graphical tools but dev still in progress on it
With Appconfi you can instantly change an application setting without introducing any latency to your site. Is as a configuration service that lets you manage your features and configurations without actually deploying new code.
DevAttic ConfigCrypter is a library that enables the user to work with decrypted configuration files.
This client library is just a collection of potentially useful things relating to the configuration of things
Generic configurable components factory using SimpleInjector and Microsoft configuration.
A fluent .NET library for automating site and app pool creation in IIS7+.
HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) support for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Configuration.DockerSecrets is a non-official library, build to work as a stop-gap until dotnetcore 2.0.0 is released.
This configuration library is intended to give .NET Developers a simple, extendable, scaleable, fast, type safe possibility to configure all kind of .NET applications. This package supports the boo (DslConfig.Boo) and C# (DslConfig.CSharp) configuration language.
Command line parser source for smartconf. Visit for more information.
Environment variable source for smartconf. Visit for more information.
Binaries for the ConfigManager library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.