Top 20 NuGet compression Packages

Small and compact way of storing strings in memory. While maintaining some of the speed and flexibility of System.string. Up to 56% lower memory usage.
Managed C++/CLI library for compression and decompression of BZIP2, GZIP, LZ4, LZMA and XZ formatted streams. Requires Microsoft.NET version 4.5 or higher.
An ASP.NET Web API message handler that supports decompression of gzip'd data.
Compression Tool Using GZIP LZMA and LZ4 Simplified
Compress owin actions!
Module for ASP.NET Web API that enables GZip and Deflate support for incoming and outgoing requests. Please note that this is not an official Microsoft package.
Package for supporting OWIN when using Microsoft ASP.NET Web API Compression Support
Library to manage the compression of binary data
.Net library for compressing URLs
Simplify usage of GZip compression.
Minimal fast zLib compatible library to compress or uncompress streams.
This client library allow you compress your data, string or bytes. Class name: Compression Static methods: byte[] Compress(byte[] bytes) byte[] Decompress(byte[] bytes) string Compress(string text) //default Unicode string Decompress(string text) //default Unicode string Compress(string text, En...
Zip and Unzip string or byte array in memory
SharpZipLib (#ziplib, formerly NZipLib) is a compression library for Zip, GZip, BZip2, and Tar written entirely in C# for .NET. It is implemented as an assembly (installable in the GAC), and thus can easily be incorporated into other projects (in any .NET language)
PRS compression library
Package Description
ZipFiles Coding Functions Tecnosoftware components are free to use, developed by qualified teams, with no use limitation and unlimited number of installations. If you wish to support Tecnosoftware components development or simply make a donation, please visit
Useful compression utility for easily and quickly (de)compressing strings and byte[] arrays. Can be used in ASP.NET Core using the included dependency injection container (under Startup.cs call services.AddTransient and register the compression utility service there).