Top 20 NuGet composition Packages

Provides a framework for wiring up and bootstrapping MEF based dependencies.
Services ViewModel Composition Testing Infrastrucutre
MefBuild is a lightweight library inspired by MSBuild and powered by MEF for implementing powerful and extensible build systems in .NET code. Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5 - Windows 8 - Windows Phone 8.1 - Windows Phone Silverlight 8 - Portable Class Libraries
A Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF2) bootstrapper for the Nancy web framework.
Entity Component System (ECS) framework. Can be used for games and other projects where composition is favored over inheritance. Github project can be found here:
CompositionHelper for UWP Composition API. You can use Composition API by a easy way.
Inline composable fsharp functions around BCL static methods. Supports .net 3.5 through .net Standard
Helper utility for MEF2 composition in Unit Testing
Package Description
Class library for composing composition root from modules.
just a group of classes that i am too lazy to rewrite, don't use these unless you know what you are doing
Bootstrapper class for MEF Autofac application
Elastic is a framework that helps to simplify the "wiring" phase of our applications.
Dependency injection / service composition for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) using Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). Supports .NET Framework 4.0 and 4.5.
Whatever the framework, component composition works the same way: you have interfaces and concrete implementations and you need to map one against the other. The Endjin Composition Framework helps you work smarter, not harder by making component composition simple. This framework supports .NET 4.0, ...
Common Library to support Compositions, PerformanceMonitoring, MemoryQueue and Base for Queueing
This package will add the reference to MEF with the Copy Local flag set to false.
The composition library for the "More" framework.