Top 20 NuGet compile Packages

使代码在编译期执行,以提升运行时效率。 SourceFusion 提供了一套编译期代码执行框架,以便将运行时可能耗时的操作提前到编译期执行。
Easy infrastructure can replace F#'s AST at compile time.
Easy infrastructure can replace F#'s AST at compile time.
此包为 Roslyn 动态编译的环境包
Package Description
Convert node dependencies to CommonJS modules referencable in WinStore/WP8 apps!
This package provides PowerShell scripts to automatically compile, package, test and deploy your code based on a set of conventions. It is based on psake and consists of a set of psake tasks written in Powershell. There is a predefined psake properties block and a number of predefined tasks as well ...
SPA Bundler bundles Images, Fonts, Css, Js and Html into a single html file. It is intended to optimize performance for Single Page Applications. It minifies and optimizes all files involved.
A PowerShell task runner based on Invoke-Build. Invoke-Build is a build and test automation tool which invokes tasks defined in PowerShell scripts. It is similar to psake but arguably easier to use and more powerful. Removes the boilerplate code from your build scripts and supports a convention-base...
This is a tool to avoid repeated recompilation. The assemblies are cached along with compiler info. For full documentation visit
CodeCompiler module for Gemini, providing C# code compilation using Roslyn.
Google Closure integration for WinJS Universal Apps
LESS integration for WinJS Universal Apps
Support for Build Variables in Universal Apps
A Powershell module for building and NuGet-packing .Net projects. A convenient and easy to use module for those who need to package projects but don't have a full blown continuous-integration environment to do it for them.
This tools is used to compile client web files in your .NET Core application.
Lightweight optimizer of System.Linq.Expression expressions. Just basic boolean algebra and reductions, constant and tuple/anonymous type eliminations. For side-effect free Expressions. No compilation-subjective optimizations.
Core features to compile LESS files to CSS. This is a project to port the hugely useful Less libary to the .NET world. It give variables, nested rules and operators to CSS. For more information about the original Less project see or For more...