Top 20 NuGet commandline Packages

This package is deprecated please use this one instead
A C++ Cross platform library (shared, static or in sources) for reading, parsing validation and getting values of command line arguments
A library to make the creation of .Net Command Line Application as simple as possible. Let this library take care of the wiring so you can focus on building your application.
This .NET Standard library is a simple command line argument parser. It uses attributes on classes that define which of the properties are used as command line arguments. Custom types can be processed by implementing and registering interface `ICustomConverter`.
A Roslyn based static code analyzer which analyzes how Gherkin feature files relate to their underlying implementation so that dependencies between features can be analyzed.
Simple package that allows you to bind startup parameters directly to methods.
Simple command line argument mapping
A C# .NET class library containing tools for displaying progress in console applications.
Library for automatic Command Line parsing and routing.
C# command line utilities for controlling a Tello drone
PowerShell Cmdlet for rendering a Razor template from the command line.
Console application helpers and utilities.
Features a MVP framework largely inspired by WebFormsMvp. Contrary to WebFormsMvp, it is not restricted to the WebForms platform; nevertheless, featurewise, it should be on par with it. Samples are available on the project web site.
A helper class with console arguments parsing, log initialization, configuration file loading. Uses NLog for logging.
This is the stock help plugin for the Pingo Console Kit
This is a test command project that is used as the basis of the command VSIX
Easy to build a cluster command in the format of "command.exe command.controller command.action command.options"
A thin helper layer to make Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils easier to work with
NETSH-like command line interpreter, used by bsn ModuleStore
A lightweight dependency injection container for .NET Core command line applications