Top 20 NuGet collection Packages

uScoober Feature: DataStructures.NotifyCollection
PLinq extensions for dynamic data. This is the recommended Dynamic Data package when targetting net 4.5 or above
Simple collection of Topshelf extensions for your project.
D3 Collection (d3-collection) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Helpfull extensions to System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper. Method ListEditorFor creates an editor to add, remove and change elements in a list on the view model.
Postman Collection (postman-collection) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Utilities to save you some time when using MVVM pattern.
Contains some useful interface definitions and implementations classes for .Net.
Ordering XUnit testcase based on priority.
Easy to use package to automatically inject your services in ASP.NET Core
Xamarin.Android Binding for Kotlin extensions 'collection' artifact
Provides extension methods that allow to treat collections, enumerables and lists as covariant of a generic type other than their constructed type (i.e. for down-casting collections).
xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.CovariantExtensions
An always sorted collection. Has options to allow/disallow duplicate items as well as to sort in reverse order. CodeBits are useful code blocks that can included in your C# projects through NuGet. See the project site for documentation.
An always sorted observable collection. Has options to allow/disallow duplicate items as well as to sort in reverse order. CodeBits are useful code blocks that can included in your C# projects through NuGet. See the project site for documentation.
Implements types and extension methods for transforming and implicitly defining instances of the readonly collection interfaces new to .Net 4.5. (The interfaces are IReadOnlyList<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T>, and IReadOnlyDictionary<K,V>.) For example, the library implements a Select method that ens...
Custom collection that moves the most recently-used items to the top. CodeBits are useful code blocks that can included in your C# projects through NuGet. See the project site for documentation.
Class Library containing an C# abstraction model of the collection+json media type object model