Top 20 NuGet code-first Packages

A high performer migration library for SQLite
A Neo4j IUserAuthRepository to persist User registration and auth info in a Neo4j Graph DB. Implements ServiceStack's built-in AuthProvider Model: inc. Twitter, Facebook, Basic, Digest, Credentials Aut...
A Neo4j IUserAuthRepository to persist User registration and auth info in a Neo4j Graph DB. Implements ServiceStack's built-in AuthProvider Model: inc. Twitter, Facebook, Basic, Digest, Credentials Aut...
We moved here: NOTE: The current package is *UNSUPPORTED* since 2014
EFConvention is a convention based extension library for Entity Framework to automate several tasks currently cumbersome to do. It allows developers to create an Entity Framework based Context without having to specify each entity by putting it as DbSet<> as property.
Cake.EntityFramework6 is a set of Cake aliases for Entity Framework 6.3 or above (not .NET Core) code-first migration using the ef6.exe command line interface (cli).