Top 20 NuGet cloud Packages

The Cloud-based Face API provides developers with access to advanced facial recognition algorithms. Microsoft Facial Recognition Algorithms Allow Facial Attribute Detection and Facial Recognition
M2Mqtt is a MQTT client available for all .Net platform (.Net Framework, .Net Compact Framework and .Net Micro Framework) and WinRT platform (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1) for M2M communication.
PushNotification is a framework for Notification .NET applications. Handle Push Notifications. Across iOS, Android and UWP from a single API.
The libraries to host BaGet on the Google Cloud Platform.
Sign request for IEX API V2 Only available to Grow and Scale users
Package Description
You can save your log information to cloud and you can search and filter them. For more details please contact by [email protected]
Provides developers with libraries for the Azure Spring Cloud under Azure Resource manager to deploy, start, stop and scale Spring Cloud applications.
The package helps in working with azure queue. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process to manage queue on azure cloud for .Net Framework,.Net Core applications, .NetStandard2.1.
simple example library to demo connecting to Fortigate API
Azure Blobs V12 implementation
D.C3: Distributed .NET Cloud-based Configuration Client. Use D.C3 to access an Azure Storage-based application configuration repository. Also accesses App.Config or Web.Config-based configuration objects for the Dev environment. Sample code: var configObject = (new AppConfigurationProvider()).Get...
Provides infrastructure for common authentication and additional convenience APIs for Azure REST clients.
Aliyun Serverless .NET Core support - Core package.
Aliyun Serverless .NET Core support - Core package.
IndexTank is a free, cloud-based, real-time indexing SaaS (software as a service) that lets you quickly and easily add custom, full-featured search functionality to any web site or application. IndexTankDotNet provides convenient programmatic access to the entire IndexTank API from any .NET applica...
.NET library for