Top 20 NuGet cli Packages
A small Command Line Interpreter
project.json version manipulation CLI
CLI wrappers for virus scanners.
CLI wrappers for virus scanners.
Command line forms because who doesn't like the terminal?
A thin helper layer to make Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils easier to work with
Lightweight and Composable CLI Argument Parser for all modern .Net platforms
a ton bugs. just for test.
NClap is a .NET library for parsing command-line arguments and building interactive command shells. It's driven by a declarative attribute syntax, and easy to extend.
AtleX.CommandLineArguments is a helper library to facilitate parsing command line arguments into a strongly-typed object. Values can be validated with extensible and customisable validators and the library can automatically generate help for the user.
Productive C# CLI Solution
A small framework that helps to structure the presentation level of a console application.
A POSIX-like command line argument parser.
A type-safe and practical CLI parsing library for Fable
A library used for generating solution files.