Top 20 NuGet chatbot Packages

Expone las definiciones y funcionalidades para construir un plugin y sus comandos para el sistema de chatbots de Slack de Evertec Colombia.
BLiP Extensions' extensions to include logs, including a TCP/HTTP ISender factory
.NET Client for Facebook Messenger Platform. GitHub Repository:
Wit.NET is the C# SDK for
LoadBalancer.Org module for Noobot framework
DNS module for Noobot framework
Alibaba Cloud SDK for C#
Cloudflare module for Noobot framework
.NET Client for Facebook Messenger Platform. GitHub Repository:
Cloudflare module for CBot framework
NewRelic module for CBot framework
.NET Client for Facebook Messenger Platform. GitHub Repository:
The simplest way to build Telegram Bot in the whole multiverse 🤖
Basic Chatbot with plugins 2020
A RiveScript interpreter for C# .Net. RiveScript is a scripting language for chatterbot.
BLiP host for Windows