Top 20 NuGet cecil Packages

Immerse a library inside another library.
An assembly weaver, based on Fody, that automatically transforms get/set properties into Xamarin bindable properties.
This package/repository is a fork of Equals.Fody to stick with Fody 4 which still supports MSBuild 15.
Implements the Freezable pattern.
Injects a new type that writes "Hello World".
Replaces static method calls.
Disposable, without the Using.
Use this addin for F# to make setters for union types and eliminate need for CLIMutable attribute for records.
Fody add-in for removing references from an assembly.
Fody AddIn that allows faking your types without writing interfaces for testing purposes only.
Simplifies logging through a static helper class and some IL manipulation.
Uses AES to encrypt literal strings in your assembly. Compatible with ClickOnce.
Fody add-in for injecting INotifyPropertyChanging code into properties.
Adds 'message' parameter to Assertions. It is generated from source code. Nunit, Mstest, Xunit is supported.
Simplifies logging through a static helper class and some IL manipulation.
Fody add-in that adds the ability to save the state of asynchronous tasks for WP and WinRT platforms.
Converts public fields to properties. This version differs from Fielder.Fody only that it ignores the casing on the fields to convert. Fielder.Fody only converts Fields with a first char of upper-case.
Add tail. optimization to recursive calls