Top 20 NuGet case Packages

This is extension for Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL. it's enables filter data in Case Insensitive mode.
Provides a set of general purpose Fluent Assertion extension methods methods extending from Xunit.
Fork of Extension Method to SnakeCase all EFCore v3.x database structures (tables, relations, schemas, etc.) so your entity 'PersonLog' will become a table 'person_log' and so on. The significant difference in this fork is how parts of an identifier in a...
contains extions mehtods to create a functional switch, wich is described under
it is VS 2012 Addin, 1. Create and update Test Case in TFS based on Code and Template 2. Bind Test Automation 3. Load Title and Summary From TFS Into Code you will find Microsoft.ECO.TestHelper.UserGuide.docx in your project root folder to get more detail support:[email protected]
Micro library inspired by F# single case discriminated unions. Create primitive domain concepts in C# with one line.
ConvertCaseNEt is a simple converter style writing variabels in .NET converting CamelCase To Snake.
Json.Net Snake Case Contract Resolver
This package helps to deal with string
An extensible utility to convert, identify, and flip string case.
A more light-weight .Net port of Petrovich - склонение русских фамилий, имен и отчеств. See also official .Net port
ConvertCase : ToCamelCase, uppercase and pascal case and proper case
Quick C# .NET Standard extension for case-insensitive string comparison
MBS Case Tracker Launcher Package
MBS Case Tracker Launcher
Common String, SecureString, and Collection Extension Methods which include: ToSecureString, ToInsecureString, EqualsIgnoreCase, ContainsIgnoreCase, Before, After, FuzzyEquals, IsNullOrEmpty, and IsNullOrWhiteSpace. Additionally there are helper methods and classes that simplify working with ...
Case number parsing solution for Molecule Software Applications