Top 20 NuGet camera Packages

Kinect v1/XBOX360 for vvvv
XCore - Camera component for Xamarin iOS
Small and lightweight 3D vector and matrix library for .NET 4.0.
appMobi's Windows Phone 8 Camera Template as a starting point for your html 5 development.
A library for decoding MJPEG streams. Runs on .NET 3.5, Winows Phone 7.1, Windows Phone 8.0, and Silverlight 4.0.
Extension methods on MediaCapture and related classes. Supports Universal Store Apps for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1. For documentation see .
Camera preview in WPF Desktop apps using WinRT MediaCapture.
Wrapper around Basler PylonC.Net to provide unified video source interface
Xamarin iOS Basic Camera Roll Multiple Image Picker Make sure to add these permissions to your info.plist <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>We want to use your photos</string>
Taking Pictures with Xamarin.Android made easy
A .NET interface for the Intel RealSense cross-platform API.
IFTTT - FastttCamera Binding for Xamarin
This library contains an interface to control camera devices through Windows 10 IoT Core. This library contains no concrete implementation, so that any project consuming these interfaces can swap out the implementation.
Custom Camera supporting overlay images for Xamarin.Android
WebCam control for WPF
A convenient way to control inputs when using EmguCV
Camera Shared Library Custom for Id Card
IDS uEye devices in VL